Seeing best friends reunited always brings us joy.
We can help you find your pet.
1. Alert the authorities.
Please make an immediate report to the following local authorities. Even if you are not a pet owner, you may find the following contact numbers helpful if you find an animal or experience animal problems in your neighborhood.
City or County of Walla Walla
Dispatch (509) 527-1960
College Place
Police (509) 525-7773
Dispatch (509) 527-1960
Police (541) 938-5511
2. Fill out our lost or found pet form.
We’ll need as many details as possible as we work to unite owners with their pet.
Please fill out the Found Pet Form if you found a pet or the Lost Pet From if you lost a pet. Please send us a few photos as well.
3. Check our listings often.
Below you’ll find listings for:
Impounded and found dogs
Impounded and found cats
Dogs with a form of ID (microchip, tag etc) will be held for 3 days. If no contact with owner/no one claims the dog, the dog then belongs to Blue Mountain Humane Society.
Dogs with no form of ID will be held for 3 days.
Cats with ID will be held for 3 business days.
Cats without ID will be held 1 business day.