We offer spay surgeries for mama cats and mama dogs.

What is the Mama's Last Litter Program? 

The Mama's Last Litter Program at Blue Mountain Humane Society helps reduce the number of unwanted puppies and kittens by preventing future pregnancies through spay and neuter and finding homes for current offspring surrendered to BMHS.

Important notes

  • Space is limited; apply early as appointments are usually booked 1-2 months in advance.

  • Offspring over 4 months old at the time of the appointment do not qualify.

  • Check the income chart below to see if you qualify.

  • All offspring must be surrendered to BMHS at the time of the spay/neuter appointment for mother/father.

Program highlights

  • Support for the mother and, if possible, the father, includes spaying/neutering and rabies vaccinations.

  • BMHS finds loving homes for surrendered offspring.

  • Promotes responsible pet ownership by encouraging spaying/neutering.

Program guidelines

  • Offspring must be between 2 and 4 months old at the time of the appointment.

  • They need to be cared for until at least eight weeks old and weigh a minimum of two pounds.

  • All offspring must be surrendered to BMHS at the spay/neuter appointment.

  • Prospective families must adhere to the BMHS Adoption Process, including application and fees. 

  • Please be aware that this service is designed specifically to rehome the offspring and is not a substitute for our low-cost spay/neuter program.

Program requirements

  • In Walla Walla and College Place, dogs over 3 months old need a license. Walla Walla County requires a license for dogs over 6 months old.

  • A current dog license must be presented before the pet is released.

  • Payment for dog licenses is separate from the program fee and can be made at pickup. More information is available at bluemountainhumane.org/dog-licensing.

  • BMHS provides required rabies vaccinations (if unable to provide current proof) and offers other low-cost vaccinations and microchipping.

  • The program is for low-income pet owners only, as required by Washington State law.

  • The litter must have at least two offspring.

  • Animals must be healthy, friendly, and manageable.

  • The program serves the local area and may extend to nearby regions if space allows.

Program details

  • A fee of $65 for cats and $75 for dogs is required, payable one week before the appointment. Additional fees may apply.

  • Microchipping is mandatory during surgery and included in the price.

  • Licensing fees are separate from spay/neuter services.

Low-Income Limits
Household Size 1-person 2-person 3-person 4-person 5-person 6-person 7-person 8-person
Walla Walla County $47,800 $54,600 $61,450 $68,250 $73,750 $79,200 $84,650 $90,100
Columbia County $46,800 $53,450 $60,150 $66,800 $72,150 $77,500 $82,850 $88,200
Umatilla County $43,500 $49,700 $55,900 $62,100 $67,100 $72,050 $77,050 $82,000

Optional Dog Vaccines

Vaccine Price
Bordetella (kennel cough)
*The Intra-Trac 3 vaccinates against Bordetella bronchiseptica, adenovirus type 2, and parainfluenza.

Optional Cat Pain Management

Pain Medication Price
Buprenorphine ER (Extended Release)- Cat only pain injection
*This is a one-time, long-acting opioid injection for pain control in cats that can last up to 72 hours. Please be aware that this medication may affect temporarily your kitty's behavior, making them extra lovey dovey, sleepy, or more withdrawn. These are normal side effects associated with an opioid pain medication.

Prices: Other Wellness Services

*Only available at the time of surgery.

Service Price
Flea Treatment
*Selamectin will be administered, which lasts for 1 month.
Oral Deworming (Pyrantel)
*This is for intestinal worms. Pyrantel is not effective against tapeworms, so please let us know if you see these in your pet and we will administer the proper medication.
Microchip $25

Prices: Potential Surcharges

If any of the following medical conditions are discovered at the time of surgery, the corresponding fees will be required before the animal may be released.

Condition Price
Inguinal Cryptorchid
*Refers to an undescended testicle in the inguinal (groin) region.
Abdominal Cryptorchid
*Refers to an undescended testicle within the abdomen.
Live Fleas
*It is our policy to administer a fast-acting flea medication to any pet with evidence of live fleas. This helps us to maintain a flea-free environment for all of our guests.
*Praziquantel will be administered to any pet with tapeworms.
*Refers to an infection of the uterus.
Weight over 100lbs
*Any dog weighing over 100lbs will incur an additional $50 fee.

The spay/neuter process

Includes a vet exam, sedation and pain medication, general anesthesia, the spay/neuter surgery, a small tattoo on the abdomen to show the procedure was done, and post-surgery care.

Header photo courtesy Unsplash/Kym Ellis