BMHS SurveyHelp us create new goals at Blue Mountain Humane Society. Your responses are anonymous and confidential. We appreciate your feedback! How familiar are you with the mission and goals of Blue Mountain Humane Society? Very familiar Somewhat familiar Not familiar I don't know What is your primary relationship with BMHS? Staff Volunteer Board Member How satisfied are you with the internal culture at BMHS? Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neutral Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Which programs and services that BMHS offers are you aware of? Mama’s Last Litter Rehoming Services Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR) Working Cats Program WSP Dog Training Emergency Animal Housing Dog Licensing Foster Program Pets for Patriots Low-Income Spay/Neuter Program What do you consider to be the strengths of BMHS? What areas could BMHS improve upon? Are there any services or programs you think BMHS should consider offering or focusing on? How would you assess the clarity and openness of BMHS communications? Excellent Good Fair Poor Which of the following are your primary sources for receiving information and updates about BMHS? (Pick multiple, if relevant) Email newsletters BMHS website Social media (e.g., Facebook, Instagram) Direct mail (e.g., letters, postcards) Word of mouth Events and community gatherings Other (please specify) Other sources of information: What motivates you to support BMHS? How do you envision the future of BMHS? Do you have any other comments, suggestions, or ideas for BMHS? Thank you!